Results for 'Laura María Agustín'

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  1. Sex at the Margins: Migration, labour markets and the rescue industry.Laura Maria Agustin - 2007
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    Book review: Laura Maria Agustin, Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry. London: Zed Books, 2007. 268 pp. (incl. index). ISBN 978—1—84277—860—9, £16.99 (pbk). [REVIEW]Meena Poudel - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (1):133-134.
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    Book review: Pity and courage in commercial sex Laura María Agustín sex at the margins: Migration, labour markets and the rescue industry London: Zed books, 2007, 224 pp., isbn 978-1-8427-7859-3 (hbk), 978-1-8427-7860-9. [REVIEW]Giulia Garofalo - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (4):419-422.
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    Book Review: Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry by Laura María Agustin London and New York: Zed Press, 2007, pp. 248, ISBN 978 1 84277 860 9. [REVIEW]Nicole Vitellone - 2008 - Body and Society 14 (2):123-125.
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    Book review: Sex, work and migration: The dynamics and regimes of care and control Laura Maria Agustin sex at the margins: Migration, labour markets and the rescue industry London: Zed books, 2007, 224 pp., isbn 9781-84277-8609. [REVIEW]Maggie O'Neill - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (2):142-145.
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    Justice in a Globalized World: A Normative Framework.Laura Maria Matilde Valentini - 2011 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Are wealthy countries' duties towards developing countries grounded in justice or in weaker concerns of charity? Justice in a Globalized World offers both an in-depth critique of the most prominent philosophical answers to this question, and a distinctive approach for addressing it.
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    Problems and paradigms of unity: Aristotle’s accounts of the one.Laura Maria Castelli - 2010 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    One', Aristotle says, can be said in many ways and each being is one. Through a comprehensive analysis of the passages in which Aristotle makes sense of these claims, the book provides a detailed account of how the different ways of being one permeate the domain of being and explores Aristotle's approach to the notion of unity from the ontological, cosmological and dialectical point of view. In rejecting what he regards as an 'archaic' conception of being, Aristotle rejects a corresponding (...)
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    Note sulla nozione di ∆ϒnamiʃ toυ ποιειν kai Του παʃχειν pavscein in soph. 247 D-E: alcuni spunti aristotelici.Laura Maria Castelli - 2007 - Elenchos 28 (2):415-434.
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  9. Religious diversity in Romania : Europe's best pupil?Laura-Maria Crăciunean - 2013 - In Marie-Claire Foblets & Nadjma Yassari (eds.), Approches juridiques de la diversité culturelle. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
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    Scientific writing: a professional upgrading need for health sciences professors.Laura María Pérez de Valdivia, Ener Raúl Rivera Martín & Geycell Emma Guevara Fernández - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (3):504-518.
    El presente trabajo es un estudio descriptivo y con un enfoque sincrónico que da muestra de las deficiencias de los profesores universitarios al redactar textos científicos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo proponer varias acciones de superación para perfeccionar el manejo del lenguaje y el arte de redactar de los docentes de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Dr. Faustino Pérez Hernández" de la provincia Sancti Spíritus que cursan la octava edición de la Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad (...)
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    O que dizem as crianças ribeirinhas da vila do piriá – curralinho/pa - acerca de suas práticas culturais.Simei Santos Andrade, Magali Dos Reis & Laura Maria Silva Araújo Alves - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (29).
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  12. A portabilidade dos planos de assistência privada à saúde: Uma análise sob a perspectiva consumerista.Émerson Antoinne Santos de Araújo & Laura Maria Pessoa Batista Alves - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (1):68-83.
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    (1 other version)Developmental Perspectives on Interpersonal Affective Touch.Laura Crucianelli & Maria Laura Filippetti - 2018 - Topoi:1-12.
    In the last decade, philosophy, neuroscience and psychology alike have paid increasing attention to the study of interpersonal affective touch, which refers to the emotional and motivational facets of tactile sensation. Some aspects of affective touch have been linked to a neurophysiologically specialised system, namely the C tactile system. While the role of this system for affiliation, social bonding and communication of emotions have been widely investigated, only recently researchers have started to focus on the potential role of interpersonal affective (...)
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    La vulneración de derechos en la atención sanitaria: una realidad evidente en Latinoamérica.María José Cuenca Jiménez, Ricardo Agustín Alarcón Vélez & Claudio Esteban Bravo Pesantez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240175.
    La vulneración de derechos en la atención sanitaria en Latinoamérica representa una problemática creciente que afecta la calidad de los servicios y la equidad en la salud. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las principales causas y consecuencias de la violación de derechos en los sistemas de salud de la región, enfocándose en los derechos humanos, el acceso a la atención médica, la discriminación y la corrupción. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica que incluye legislación, artículos que abordan la temática y (...)
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    A Study to Elicit Behavioral Health Patients' and Providers' Opinions on Health Records Consent.Maria Adela Grando, Anita Murcko, Srividya Mahankali, Michael Saks, Michael Zent, Darwyn Chern, Christy Dye, Richard Sharp, Laura Young, Patricia Davis, Megan Hiestand & Neda Hassanzadeh - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):238-259.
    A main objective of this study is to assess the opinions of 50 behavioral health patients on selective control over their behavioral and physical health information. We explored patients' preferences regarding current consent models, what health information should be shared for care and research and whether these preferences vary based on the sensitivity of health information and/or the type of provider involved. The other objective of this study was to solicit opinions of 8 behavioral health providers on patient-driven granular control (...)
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    In search of utopia?Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    The Author traces the modern history of political concept of utopia from the publication of More’ Utopia. The historic-philosophical analysis shows that the opposition utopia vs realism and its transformations was central to develop the dialectic between reality and imagination, which is one of the axis of the western political Modernity. But, the epistemic and socio-political crisis of the XXth Century reveals the aporia and contradictions within this dialectic. However, in front of fear and angst ruling our present, the Author (...)
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    In Memoriam: María Leonor Milia.María Laura Sabas & María José Leorza - 2024 - Argos 48:e0049.
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    Pragmatic approach to decision making under uncertainty: The case of the disjunction effect.Maria Bagassi & Laura Macchi - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (3):329 – 350.
    The disjunction effect (Tversky & Shafir, 1992) occurs when decision makers prefer option x (versus y) when knowing that event A occurs and also when knowing that event A does not occur, but they refuse x (or prefer y) when not knowing whether or not A occurs. This form of incoherence violates Savage's (1954) sure-thing principle, one of the basic axioms of the rational theory of decision making. The phenomenon was attributed to a lack of clear reasons for accepting an (...)
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    Situated affective and social neuroscience.Agustin Ibanez, Sonja A. Kotz, Louise Barrett, Jorge Moll & Maria Ruz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Prueba y estándares de prueba en el derecho.María Laura Manrique - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):211-214.
    Este artículo ofrece un análisis y un comentario general de los dieciséis estudios que componen el libro compilado por Enrique Hülsz Piccone, Nuevos ensayos sobre Heráclito, el último compendio de investigaciones sobre la filosofía del Oscuro de Efe so, donde se reúnen las actas del Segundo Symposium Heracliteum celebrado en junio de 2006 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, ocasión en la que algunos de los especialistas más reconocidos de la comunidad internacional se reunieron para presentar (...)
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    TripAdvisor y actos de habla. Delimitaciones teóricas y propuestas metodológicas para el análisis de las estrategias de atenuación de los actos directivos.Laura Mariottini & María Isabel Hernández Toribio - 2016 - Pragmática Sociocultural 4 (2):149-181.
    Resumen Las opiniones que aparecen en la página web TripAdvisor, como muestra relevante de la promoción del Turismo 2.0, se convierten, dadas las características de este discurso, en macroactos de habla directivos en los que convergen actos de distinta naturaleza. Si bien se presentan como opiniones, trascienden los límites de la mera información para convertirse en actos directivos, ya que el opinante se ve implicado en la construcción de una especie de guía de ayuda a otros viajeros. Por tanto, el (...)
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    Psychological Variables Explaining the Students’ Self-Perceived Well-Being in University, During the Pandemic.Laura Nicoleta Bochiş, Karla Melinda Barth & Maria Cristina Florescu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionIn the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, Romanian universities switched to emergency relocation and online education, with students experiencing a sense of isolation, which affected their well-being, pace and normal learning style, relationships with other colleagues, and Professors. Beyond the technological obstacles that have arisen in learning, the aim of this study is to highlight the psychological variables that are associated and that explain the self-perceived well-being of students, in university, in the pandemic. The psychological variables studied were the following: the (...)
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  23. Il silenzio : questa lingua straniera così sconosciuta.Maria Laura Felici - 2021 - In Alessandra Calanchi, Mario Corsi, J. M. I. Klaver & Massimo S. Russo (eds.), Anche le pagine hanno orecchi =. Fano (PU): Aras edizioni.
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    «Ritratti». Alexandre Kojève. Filosofia e politica nel tempo della post-storia.Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (1):119-142.
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    Regresión. Las nuevas políticas para medios comunitarios en Argentina.Segura María Soledad, Villagra Emilia, Longo Verónica, Vinelli Natalia, Kejval Larisa, Hidalgo Ana Laura, Linares Alejandro & Traversaro Natalia - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (1).
    Nuestra hipótesis es la siguiente: Históricamente, las políticas públicas de comunicación ayudaron a construir una posición de desventaja en términos de sostenibilidad económica de los medios comunitarios, populares y alternativos de Argentina, con respecto a los medios de propiedad privada con fines de lucro y a los estatales. Después de una breve etapa entre 2009 y 2015 en la que las políticas dirigidas al sector no lucrativo se orientaron -con sus demoras y problemas- a su legalización y fomento, las políticas (...)
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    San Fernando do rio Negro: uma tentativa evangelizadora jesuítica com os Abipones.María Laura Salinas - 2009 - Dialogos 13 (2).
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    Intuitive and analytical processes in insight problem solving: a psycho-rhetorical approach to the study of reasoning.Laura Macchi & Maria Bagassi - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (1):53-67.
    Language and thought share a unitary cognitive activity, addressed by an interpretative function. This interpretative effort reveals the assonance between the attribution of meaning to an utterance and the discovery of a solution via restructuring in insight problem solving. We suggest a view of complex integrated analytical thinking, which assumes that thinking processes information in different ways, depending on the characteristics of the tasks the subject has to solve, so that reasoning results in a stepwise, rule-based process or in a (...)
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    Figure del potere: saggi in onore di Carlo Galli.Maria Laura Lanzillo, Raffaele Laudani & Carlo Galli (eds.) - 2020 - Bologna: Società editrice Il mulino.
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    Evaluación del conocimiento y práctica de la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en personal asistencial de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud para pacientes oncológicos de Medellín, 2018.Laura Isabel Vallejo Londoño, Ana María Palacio Restrepo, Verónica Marulanda Jaramillo, Andrea Restrepo Múnera, Laura Yepes Valencia, Nelcy Lorena Valencia Ortiz & Marco Cruz Duque - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):177-187.
    Evaluating the Knowledge and Practice of Limitation of Therapeutic Effort in Health Workers at a Health Care Institution for Cancer Patients in Medellín, 2018Avaliação do conhecimento e da prática da limitação de esforço terapêutico em equipe de atendimento de uma instituição prestadora de serviços de saúde para pacientes oncológicos de Medellín, 2018Limitation of therapeutic effort is any action that involves suspending or not initiating medical treatment or therapeutic measures in patients who will not receive any clinical benefit. In Latin America, (...)
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    (1 other version)The Fear of Secession.Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2017 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2.
    The Author presents the theoretical framework of this «Governare lapaura»’ issue on the Fear of Secession. Starting from the recent cases of the Brexit and the Catalonian referendum, the main goal of this issue is reflecting on the relationship between the political crisis of unitary State and the revival of secession.
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    Criminal law and legal dogmatics.Manrique María Laura & Navarro - 2017 - Revus. Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law / Revija Za Ustavno Teorijo in Filozofijo Prava 31.
    The authors expose a challenge that legal dogmatics represents to our legal institutions. Legal dogmatics often claims that it plays a necessary role in identifying legal rules and in solving their indeterminacies. Thus, legal dogmatics is to be viewed as an indispensable complement to legislation. Like legislation, dogmatics also attempts to provide judges with precise guidelines to help them pass the right decisions and avoid the arbitrary ones. Only under this assumption does dogmatics help to make more predictable decisions. However, (...)
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  32. Genesi del metodo galileiano e tramonto dell'aristotelismo nella Scuola di Padova.Maria Laura Soppelsa - 1974 - Padova: Antenore.
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  33. Le politiche per la famiglia E le proposte legislative Dei “nidi”.Maria Pia Lai Guaita, Laura Lepori & Michela Piras - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Aquello que ocurre entre los ojos, la mano y el papel Entrevista de M. Laura Lattanzi y Paz López a la artista y escritora Leticia Obeid.María Laura Lattanzi Vizzolini & Paz López - 2024 - Aisthesis 75:354-361.
    Interview of M. Laura Lattanzi and Paz López to the artist and writer Leticia Obeid.
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    Anticipating Cryptocurrency Prices Using Machine Learning.Laura Alessandretti, Abeer ElBahrawy, Luca Maria Aiello & Andrea Baronchelli - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    “I’ll Worry About It Tomorrow” – Fostering Emotion Regulation Skills to Overcome Procrastination.Laura Schuenemann, Viviane Scherenberg, Maria von Salisch & Marcus Eckert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Procrastination remains an omnipresent phenomenon impeding especially students’ academic performance and well-being. Preliminary findings suggest that procrastination emerges due to dysfunctional emotion regulation efforts to regulate aversive emotions. This study’s objective was to clarify whether the enhancement of general adaptive emotion regulation skills reduces subsequent procrastination. For the purpose of this study, data from a two-armed randomized controlled trial with university students, comprising an active intervention and a passive wait-list control group, was collected. Participants of the intervention group were provided (...)
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  37. Ian Hacking's Proposal for the Distinction between Natural and Social Sciences.María Laura Martínez - 2009 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (2):212-234.
    This article explores the proposal offered by Ian Hacking for the distinction between natural and social sciences—a proposal that he has defined from the outset as complex and different from the traditional ones. Our objective is not only to present the path followed by Hacking’s distinction, but also to determine if it constitutes a novelty or not. For this purpose, we deemed it necessary to briefly introduce the core notions Hacking uses to establish his strategic approach to social sciences, under (...)
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    Delitos de odio y motivos emocionales.María Laura Manrique - 2019 - Análisis Filosófico 39 (2):191-220.
    En este trabajo, respondo algunas de las críticas tradicionales al modo agravado de reprochar ciertos motivos emocionales. En particular, me centro en si existe alguna justificación para castigar más gravemente los delitos cometidos por ciertos motivos o, si, por el contrario, ese reproche es, en última instancia, solo una manera especial de censurar los “pensamientos malvados” de los agentes. Restrinjo mi análisis a una importante propuesta, formulada por Heidi Hurd y Michael Moore, con la esperanza de que esta discusión crítica (...)
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    Lire du début.Maria Laura Gemelli Marciano - 2007 - Philosophie Antique 7:7-37.
    L’article prend en considération la façon dont différents auteurs rassemblés sous l’étiquette générale de « présocratiques » commençaient leurs discours. Dans le contexte d’une transmission essentiellement orale tel que celui de la culture de la Grèce archaïque, l’incipit prend une importance fondamentale, dans la mesure où il pose les bases de la communication, définit le type de message que l’auteur veut transmettre et indique dans quelle voie il s’engage. Il donne donc des indications non seulement sur le type de texte, (...)
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    (1 other version)Foreword. The Government of Catastrophe between Human and Social Sciences.Maria Laura Lanzillo - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The Author presents the theoretical framework of the special issue on the fear of nature. The main goal of the essays in the special issue is reflecting on catastrophe and on its perception within the areas of contemporary human and social sciences; that is, revising the specific forms of the relationship between man, nature, society, as well as the relationship risk-fear-security, between society and government.
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  41. Construct Validity and Reliability of a New Spanish Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Early Adolescents.Maria C. Richaud, Viviana N. Lemos, Belen Mesurado & Laura Oros - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Improving executive function in childhood: evaluation of a training intervention for 5-year-old children.Laura Traverso, Paola Viterbori & Maria Carmen Usai - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Foucauldian Imprints in the Early Works of Ian Hacking.María Laura Martínez - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (1):69-84.
    Ian Hacking has defined himself as a philosopher in the analytic tradition. However, he has also recognized the profound influence that Michel Foucault had on much of his work. In this article I analyse the specific imprint of certain works by Foucault—in particular Les mots et les choses—in two of Hacking’s early works: Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy? and The Emergence of Probability. I propose that these texts not only share a debt of Foucauldian thought, but also are part (...)
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    Technological grandparents: how communication technologies can improve the well-being of the elderly?Laura Corti, Maria Rosaria Brizi, Maddalena Pennacchini & Marta Bertolaso - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    The ageing of the population is one of the most significant social transformations that the twenty first century is showcasing and a challenge that impacts society at large. The elderly, inasmuch as everybody else, are confronted with continuous transformations that are induced by technology, although they seldom benefit from the opportunities that technology entails. The digital divide amongst various segments of the population is often age-related and due to different reasons, including biological, psychological, social and financial ones. There is an (...)
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    Amor y Destino. Sobre el origen de la vocación en el pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset.María Laura Hinojo - 2018 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 21 (41):17-43.
    El problema del origen de la vocación en el pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset puede abordarse desde dos perspectivas de diversa profundidad: la primera,referida al fundamento de la vocación en el sujeto; la segunda, sobre la posibilidad de una causa de la vocación que sea exterior al sujeto mismo. La primera vía nos llevará a descubrir que la vocación surge de la más individual de nuestras dimensiones: el alma. Ésta es la sede de nuestros sentimientos, entre los cuales el (...)
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    Mapping gendered pest management knowledge, practices, and pesticide exposure pathways in Ghana and Mali.Maria Elisa Christie, Emily Van Houweling & Laura Zseleczky - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):761-775.
    Global food security challenges demand an understanding of farmers’ gendered practices and perspectives. This research draws on data from a quantitative survey and qualitative methods to explore gender differences related to farmers’ practices, perceptions, and knowledge of pesticides and other pest management practices in tomato growing regions of Ghana and Mali. A pathways approach based on participatory mapping integrates findings and reveals gender differences in labor and knowledge at different stages of tomato production. Farmers in both countries are heavily reliant (...)
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    Highlighting the Aspects to Support the Complexity of Primary Selection in Children's Alpine Skiing as a Sustainability of their Harmonious Development and Training.Maria Oana Jurca, Carmen Mariana Georgescu, Marina Iordăchescu, Laura Marica, Elena Sorina Grigore & Marian Dragomir - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):168-197.
    The extremely rapid evolution of portable technologies and children's receptiveness to constantly accessing the latest information creates the conditions for a number of new developments in most areas of activity. Moreover, their attraction to real-time visualisation of various events and competitions projects a certain level of perception and imitation of certain behaviours. Therefore, special attention should be paid to them from the earliest stages, i.e., from the time they are selected to play various sports. Also, the complementarity of some sports (...)
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  48. Des délits et Des peines. Beccaria et Voltaire entre politiques de réforme et théorie moderne de l'état.Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 62:177-196.
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    Percorsi della dialettica nel Novecento: da Lukács alla cibernetica.Maria Laura Lanzillo & Silvia Rodeschini (eds.) - 2011 - Roma: Carocci.
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    Social Risks and Demands for Security.Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2015 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1).
    In the latest decades, many studies have focused on the concepts of fear, risk, security as relevant elements for describing our contemporary world. The Author rethink the processes trough which particular features of social reality become security issues. Security is no longer viewed as referring naturally or unproblematically to the military security of the state. Rather, the goal becomes to understand how different and seemingly disconnected objects can become subject to the processes of “securization” which involves our democracies and the (...)
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